NYS Standards Review 2010
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- Questions to address when reviewing various standards documents, from Arnold Serotsky
- What are they based on?
- Who wrote/developed them?
- What was theprocess?
- How are they organized?
- How interdisciplinary are they (STEM)?
- How challenging are they (cognitive levels)?
- Do they support hands-on? Inquiry? Problem Based?
- Do they inlude scinece skills? History? Career stuff?
- Are they free from biases (ethnic, gender, racial, geographic)
- What is there format? (outcome/objectiveformat)
- Are they measurable? Do they include assessment specifics?
- Do they include implementationspecifics?
- Do they include Professional Development specifics?
- More questions from Jennifer Baxter
- How clearly written and "user friendly" is it? Is it easily understood by anyone (i.e. any classroom teacher)?
- Is it written in a developmentally appropriate manner? (primary vs. upper elementary)