Stereo photo flipping script

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This is an AppleScript program that will attempt to open any file(s) dragged onto it in Photoshop CS6 and switch the left and right halves. This is a useful utility for changing the orientation of stereoscopic photos from using viewers to using crossed eyes and back. Please note that the script will overwrite the existing files, so work on copies if you want to keep the original orientation.

on open of finderObjects -- called when finder items dropped on this application's icon
	--	set destFolder to choose folder with prompt "Destination folder?"
	repeat with i in (finderObjects)
		if folder of (info for i) is false then
		end if
	end repeat
end open
on SwitchSides(FileRef)
	tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS6" -- Change the name of this application to match your version of PS
		open FileRef -- This may need error-handling in case an incompatible file is dropped
		set dw to width of current document -- These measurements are in units, not pixels.
		set dh to height of current document
		set dr to resolution of current document -- This will allow us to convert to pixels for selection
		resize canvas current document width (dw * 1.5) height (dh) anchor position middle left
		 	-- measured in units. Add an empty space on the right
		select current document region {{0, 0}, {dw * dr / 2, 0}, {dw * dr / 2, dh * dr}, {0, dh * dr}}
		 	-- measured in pixels
		translate selection of current document delta x dw delta y 0 -- measured in units
		resize canvas current document width (dw) height (dh) anchor position middle right
		 	-- remove the  left side
		close current document saving yes -- NOTE THIS WILL OVERWRITE THE ORIGINAL FILE.
	end tell
end SwitchSides